Our Team



"Mr Shafiullah, hailing from a remote village in Gilgit-Baltistan, has dedicated nearly 40 years to advancing agriculture. His significant contributions have elevated the region's agricultural sector. Visiting over 20 countries, he gained and shared expertise, significantly impacting both local and global agricultural practices."


jenny white

Esse sociosqu! Nec leo laboriosam molestias. Felis eligen disu scipit.


james smith

Esse sociosqu! Nec leo laboriosam molestias. Felis eligen disu scipit.


Jane Housten

Esse sociosqu! Nec leo laboriosam molestias. Felis eligen disu scipit.


William Barkley

Esse sociosqu! Nec leo laboriosam molestias. Felis eligen disu scipit.


Sally Watson

Esse sociosqu! Nec leo laboriosam molestias. Felis eligen disu scipit.

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